Bonne O in Stores & the First Customer Creations!

Amazing news! Bonne O has started to hit store shelves across Canada and we're days away from USA availability. The really incredible news is...our customers have started creating with Bonne O! Here are some happy people and their Bonne O! There is a limited supply now in Canada at all Hudson's Bay and Home Outfitter stores. Available online in days. Bonne O will be available across the USA starting in May. 

Your creativity is amazing. Robert created a a Blueberry Infused Vodka Chiller using vodka and frozen blueberries in the bottle topped up with cold water! Robb made a Cucumber & Melon Infused Sparkling Water! Spa water in minutes. Love it! Keep sharing with us on social or email! Remember, to start creating fill your bottle completely to the rim with cold water. If you don't completely fill the bottle to the rim or do not use cold water, the machine will stop and remind you to do so.

If you get out there to grab one, the store displays are starting to take shape. It's early days. Right now they vary between the beautiful at the flagship Hudson's Bays and key Home Outfitters to some locations that need some help. Wherever you go, talk up Bonne O and help the store staff to understand that now people can carbonate real, natural ingredients. We're bringing real food, health and fun to carbonated beverages! A great start!

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